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First Week Photos

Posted on by Philip

Here are a handful of photos from the first week in Christchurch.


Picture 12 of 16

And the pastor's driveway. Some bloke down the street came over with his digger.

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5 Responses to First Week Photos

  1. Mom says:

    Looks like your legs are buried in the pile :)

  2. Mom says:

    (my comment went with the last pix :) )

  3. Adulcia says:

    Not quite accurate. Apparently there were national states of emergency back in 9/11 and the 2004 boxing day tsunami, more as a precaution rather than any damage to our shores. But still nothing of this scale where it’s been a national state of emergency for 6 weeks now.

  4. Adulcia says:

    BTW – welcome back to the beautiful Garden City. (Sorry about the mess.) Hope you have a good stay.

  5. Philip says:

    @Adulcia, Hmm I didn’t know that. I think I’d read that in the NZ Herald, but it was right after things happened and info was a bit off the cuff. Thanks for the welcome! :)

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